Thursday, December 29, 2011


Me & Roza 
Me & Rain 
Amirus& Abg Salleh

The above are some of the pictures taken during our office's dinner on 28 Dec 2011 at Aural, KL.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Pre-Photoshooting "Good Bye NMH"


Here are some of the pictures taken pre Photoshooting for Naizah's Photoshoot. Enjoy !

*Amirus, Naizah & Me*

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Good Bye NMH...

Helloooo peeps..

On 14th December 2011, we (Roza, Rain, Naizah, Amirus, Sarah and I) went for Photo Shooting at the Perfect Pictures Studio at Shah Alam for Naizah's farewell as she is leaving our firm soon. Our theme for that day was Corporate i.e Working Attire (of course black & white) and Colourful(yeayyy!). Here are some of the pics taken...=)

i)     Colourful
                                                              *Goodbye Izzah*

                                                                   * Me & her*

ii)     Black & White Theme

from left : Amirus,  me, Roza, Rain and Naizah

We will miss you *hugs*

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Engagement

Sarung Cincin 
With Mom 
Batch Mates & Besties 
The Door Gifts.
Box deco by Mom and Cupcakes by Chocolarts

 us - for the Album